Monday, August 15, 2011

I don"t know how you do it!!

This is the comment I hear when people discover that I school my children at home. My comment back is "I couldn't imagine life any other way!" When my oldest son was 4, we sent him to Montessori. He started in September and we pulled him out by December. Dropping him off ALWAYS felt wrong. I felt uneasy while he was in school and his brother missed him terribly. He liked school but he liked being with us more.
Schooling at home was something that always interested me. I knew a family that homeschooled and I found the children to be so smart, well mannered, and SOCIAL!!(obviously, not all HS kids are this way) I started reading here and there about HSing and realized that this was something that called to me. I was still unsure and doubtful that I could "teach" my kids, after all I was only a hairstylist/colorist not a teacher. Still, I could not let this idea go, especially while DS1 was in school and I felt so uneasy with him there.
Back to Montessori, we decided 4 months into his preschool year that HSing was something worth trying. We pulled him out and really enjoyed the rest of the school year at home basically playing and enjoying childhood!!
Now 3 years later, we have come so far. I really spent these years exploring my beliefs on schooling through loads of reading, experiencing different methods and making mistakes. I haven't discovered a solid method or rhythm and I do not think I ever will. We are all forever growing and changing so life at home , for us, needs to be fluid.
I thank GOD that I get to grow and learn with my children at home.